Discover the BaSt-Ing “ValQuick” – a remarkable Cone Wedge that proves to be an invaluable supplement to the powerful ValFast, especially when paired with an impact wrench. Tailored for efficiency, it excels in effortlessly cutting trees with minimal lifting power requirements and swiftly releasing jammed chainsaws. Elevate the functionality of ValFast as the ValQuick adds substantial value to its capabilities. With a design focused on simplicity and ease of use, the BaSt-Ing ValQuick Cone Wedge seamlessly integrates into your tool belt, providing a reliable and hassle-free solution for various tasks.
Check out the full range of BaSting Mechanical Wedges HERE.
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Follow directions provided in the user manual exactly.
Please confirm that your Bast-ing purchase meets the standards specified by your Occupational Health & Safety Board, employer, and insurance provider. It is the purchasers’ responsibility to ensure that all safety requirements are met and followed. As always, this product does not replace safe working practices.
Savoy Equipment Ltd. does not accept responsibility for any instances of misuse, use without insurance, use without compliance to relevant OHS board standards, or any instance of use that results in death or injury.
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