E-Rated Protos® Contact Form

Pfanner Canada is the Canadian distrtibutor of Pfanner and Protos products, not the manufacturer.  We have been informed by the developer in Austria that there are tenative plans to develop an E-rated version of the Protos®, but we do not have any information regarding the timeline for completion of this project.

If you would like to be notified if and when an E-rated version of the Protos® integral is available, please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as we have additonal information.

Information provided on this form will be used solely for the purpose of E-rating notification and will NOT be used for marketing purposes. The primary obvective of this form is to contact interested parties when an E-Rated Protos® may become available. The optional questions on this form simply assist us with market research for development of the product.

E-RATED Protos® Contact Request Form

Which Protos® Integral version would you be likely to purchase with an E-Rating?
What are your preferred colour options for an E-Rated Protos®?
You may select more than one option.
How many E-Rated units would you be likely to purchase?